Services & Fees - Valid from 1st January 2023

UK Class 1 medical  £180
UK Class 2 medical £180
UK Cabin Crew medical £125
Resting ECG (where required) £60
Audiogram (where required) £40
Haemoglobin blood test £25
Casework charge £50 per 15 mins










The vast majority of medicals will incur no further charges. However, occasionally an ECG will require a Cardiologist’s report – this will incur an additional charge of £50.

If additional tests are required to assess “fit status” these will be discussed on a case by case basis.

Payment Terms

Payment must be made on the day of your medical.

Payment can be made by debit or credit card.

Payment can be arranged by bank transfer.

Cash payments accepted.

No cheques accepted.

Phone me now on 07910 126111 to book your medical or just fill in the form below and I'll contact you !

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